Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Get Ignited or Get Out!

So many churches are getting dry and dead. The Pastors are watering down the word of God so they won't offend people instead of telling it like it is. Pastors are not anointed. God is not moving in America because of these dry dead churches. Congregations do not even worship because the spirit of God is not moving and they act like if worship where like a performance more then anything... When worship needs to be exciting, authentic and real.

The church of God needs to wake up and stop sleeping before it's too late. Church is where we come together as one to worship God, worship is a lifestyle and it must be every Christian's lifestyle. Stop playing games and stop trying to please everyone pastor, because you cant. It's time to get real or get out.. It's time to bust down the wall of religion, it's time to forget about tradition and let GOD take control. It's time to let God's will be done for our church not our will, It's time for the church to surrender. IT'S TIME TO GET IGNITED FOR CHRIST OR GET OUT!

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